MBA CET.......
>> Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Well , This blog comes especially for those MBA aspirants who would be taking up CET inorder to get into an MBA college in Maharashtra. A lot of things are heard and said about CET but the most common of all is that "CET stands no where in front of CAT".Well the statement for me personally is cent percent true.However that doesnt mean that u do not need any preparation at all.Take it from me...the very first step towards cracking the CET is the fact that u do not under estimate the test itself and hence get inflated with overconfidence! I have seen a lot of intellectully overdozed brains not performing well is CET solely for the reason that they took the test very lightly and did not take enough efforts to make a strategy of their own to hit the bull's eye.Well, the most important consideration over here is that CET holds no negative marking and that there are 200 questions to be solved in 150 mins .Practice is the key to success.speed and accuracy are the most important aspects for CET.The reading comprehension paragraph is comparatively easier hence enough practice will help cracking the entire RC easily.
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